How to eat for your hormones: Top hormone loving foods
Our period is like our monthly report card of the choices and the exposures we’ve had in the previous month. If we are exposed to high stress levels, racing from meeting to meeting, struggling to get regular meals in throughout the day and then over eating at night on takeaway while you work late in to the night staring at a computer screen, it’s pretty likely that sooner or later your period will act up, it won’t be happy.
Nourishing yourself with food is the first thing any one should do to optimise their health. Everything we put into our mouths is what fuels our body and gives us the energy we need!
The nutrients we consume provide building blocks for our hormone production in our body. So, my goal for women is to just eat real food and eat with the intention of nourishing your truly wonderful body!
So let’s take a look at my top foods that are hormone loving and will nourish your delicate cycle each month.
My faves are wild-caught salmon, sardines and mackerel ~ these contain omega 3s also known as essential fats which are the starting point for our body to make hormones! They help to regulate oestrogen and testosterone in your body. Don't be afraid of healthy fats, babe.
and other cruciferous vegetables contain DIM + indole-3-carbinol which are crucial in healthy metabolism of oestrogen, basically to help clear it from our system so it doesn't "recycle" and cause oestrogen excess.
~ rich in plant based protein and fibre supporting healthy bowel motions + clearance of waste, also contain zinc crucial for happy hormones.
Another source of healthy fats for our body, rich in fibre, magnesium, potassium, vitamin E, the B’s and folate. These nutrients support our adrenal system and therefore our hormone health. Avocados also contain plant sterols which can help block oestrogen absorption and promote progesterone production.
Packed with iron, fibre, protein and all nine essential amino acids, this combo helps to stabilise blood sugar levels which in turn helps balance your hormones.
It’s a daily thing!
We can work on our hormone health each and every single day to optimise how our flow will go. If you choose to nourish your body every day and give it the fuel it needs to go you are giving your period the best chance!
Looking for more period support?
Naturopathic appointments are aimed to uncover your health condition, get to the root cause of what is going on for you and then to support you with holistic health treatment plans. Check out here how we can work together.