Constipation ~ what it can do to your hormones and how to help!

As Naturopaths we pride ourselves in treating the WHOLE body, not just looking at one aspect and giving a band-aid fix. One of the links you may not have put together is how our gut health can impact our hormone health. Let’s take a look at this important link!

After our body has created our hormones, oestrogen, progesterone etc and they have served their purpose our body then needs to break them down and excrete them. 

  1. One part of this is through the liver, breaking them down in to smaller molecules. 

  2. The liver then sends these smaller compounds to the gut to be excreted in your poop. 

If they’ve made it this far, BUT your gut is not functioning optimally e.g. constipation, these hormones can actually be reabsorbed by the body. Meaning you could potentially be putting those hormones back into your system and contributing to back log and hormone imbalances! 

So how many times should I be going to the bathroom?

It is healthy to be passing a bowel motion 1-3 times a day, any less and you need some support! 


Let’s take a look at a few simple ways you can optimise your bowel motions and support your hormone health!

💧Fluid ~ Water helps keep the stool soft and easy to pass. A common cause of constipation is dehydration. Drink at least 2L of fluid a day

🥦 Fibre ~ this is important to help clean your digestive system, give your healthy bacteria something to eat and help bulk your stool. You can find fibre in grains, legumes, fruit and a wide variety of vegetables. Try including some flaxseeds and chia seeds into your morning breakfast. 

🏃‍♂️Fitness ~ exercise is important for maintaining good bowel function, walking is the best for this purpose. I recommend going for a short 10 minute walk around the block after breakfast or after dinner to get your bowels moving. 

👣 Feet ~ the correct sitting position gives you the best angle to relax your muscles and do a complete motion. 1. Feet on stool with knees higher than hips. 2. Lean forwards, keeping your back straight. 3. Elbows on knees. 

I hope you guys can try some of these lifestyle F’s out for healthier bowel motions. If you are looking for some extra support with your gut health, there is so much naturopaths have to offer. Book a consult here 😊


In Clinic: Skin conditions and Herbal Creams


How to eat for your hormones: Top hormone loving foods