On the Blog
Your ultimate healthcare must-pack travel list
Now that international travel is back!!! A lot of people have been asking me how they can support their health while travelling, well here is my healthcare to pack list!
In Clinic: Skin conditions and Herbal Creams
Our skin is actually our body’s LARGEST detoxification organ. And when something’s showing up through the skin it’s often a sign of imbalance within. So treatment consists of inner work and external healing through herbal creams.
Constipation ~ what it can do to your hormones and how to help!
As Naturopaths we pride ourselves in treating the WHOLE body, not just looking at one aspect and giving a band-aid fix. One of the links you may not have put together is how our gut health can impact our hormone health. Let’s take a look at this important link!
How to eat for your hormones: Top hormone loving foods
The nutrients we consume provide building blocks for our hormone production in our body. So, my goal for women is to just eat real food and eat with the intention of nourishing your truly wonderful body!
How to stop birth control + balance hormones naturally ~ a 5 step Naturopathic guide
Are you currently on birth control but looking at alternatives? Were you just put on birth control as a teenager but don’t really know if it’s right for you? Have you decided it’s time to find another option? Well, you are in the right place! Let’s take a look at my 5 step Naturopathic approach on stopping hormonal birth control!
Introducing the Fertility Awareness Method (an alternative to hormonal contraception)
Alright, alright, I’ve spoken a lot about the potential implications of hormonal birth control BUT what are your options if a baby isn’t on the cards just yet?
How the OCP changes your nutritional status
1 in 4 women in Australia aged 18 to 49 use the oral contraceptive pill at one point in their reproductive lives. Yet how many of you know that the OCP can actually change your nutritional needs?!
My fave spiced chickpea snack
Ok, so I must confess, I’m a chickpea addict! I love them cooked in anyway 😍 Chickpeas also pack a punch when it comes to your health ~ rich in fibre, protein, vitamins + minerals.
The Power of Preparing for Pregnancy
There is a bit of a misconception that growing a baby starts from the moment you conceive, but it actually starts months beforehand, while the sperm are growing and egg cells are still maturing inside of us.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
PCOS affects 1 in 10 women but it can be so poorly managed in the mainstream medical system. PCOS is best defined as…